
Friday, March 13, 2015

Five on Friday

Planning the mini's 1st birthday party. Am I going to go overboard? Probably (definitely). But I love planning parties and it will only be a few years until it will be H's choice instead of mine! Doing a blush pink/ivory/gold theme. Serving lunch foods and yummy desserts. Most fun find: mini pink champagne bottles for the adults! Separate planning post to follow...

This print. I'm obsessed. I want it over my headboard in my bedroom, asap.

This bag. Not a bad price point and perfect for the pool/beach. It's making its way with us to Hawaii in May!

Tracy Anderson streaming workouts. Pretty much the most amazing workouts I have ever done and they change weekly, so you never plateau. A bit pricey, but similar to a gym membership. If you have never tried any of the Tracy Anderson method, get on it! It's amazing. She has lots and lots of other DVDs and content besides the streaming.

Cute baby pigtails... who can resist?!

I'm linking up for Five on Friday for the first time!


  1. You only celebrate a first birthday, once! Do it big!! Love that color scheme!

  2. Found your blog through the Five on Friday linkup! I am also planning a first birthday party for my little and our theme is pink ombre and gold! I will have to scoop up some of those mini champagne bottles - SO cute!!
    Gentel /

    1. Just checked out your blog - our babies are so close in age! :) I am having so much fun planning her party. I'm going to do a post on other fun things I've found so far - I'd love to hear anything neat you've gotten that goes with the theme!

  3. Stopping in from the link up. I think it's impossible not to go overboard for a 1st birthday party. We had as much trouble with the guest list for that as we did for our wedding! Craziness! Btw, LOVE that print! And your daughter - adorable!
