
Friday, March 20, 2015

Bun in the Oven Momma Favorites

Being pregnant for the first time was nothing like I expected it would be. Before I found out I was pregnant I remember wondering if I was or not, because I didn't feel any differently (yet). I thought for sure I would have an inkling, or I would just know. So when I got a positive pregnancy test I honestly couldn't believe it! The 'not feeling anything' didn't last too long as the morning sickness kicked in not long after... and from there the pregnancy journey began! I had already been reading other momma's blogs and researching products, so I had an idea of some things I wanted to try. There ended up being several things I loved while I was baking little baby H.

ONE: Prenatal vitamins were something I actually researched a lot, and started taking a few months before we started trying to have Hazel. I wanted a vitamin with no iron (I could supplement separately if needed) and I have a really hard time swallowing large pills (and it sure seems like most prenatals out there are gigantic!) so these gummy vitamins were a no-brainer. Plus they taste great. Check and check.
TWO: Oh these Gap leggings. Heart. I lived in them. So soft and comfortable. I wore them around the house and to workout in (see next item). I dressed them up with boots and a tunic. I dressed them down with a t-shirt and flip flops. One note of warning - they are looong. So if you are a shorty like me, buy the cropped ones.
THREE: Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project was the main workout I did during my entire pregnancy... she has a separate routine tailored for each month of your pregnancy. I definitely felt that I stayed pretty fit throughout and gained within the healthy range of weight. I also mixed in some prenatal yoga and for the first half of the pregnancy did the Pure Barre prenatal workouts, as well as walking 2 miles a day pretty much the whole time. I definitely think working out helped me during labor and delivery, and helped my body to bounce back after H was born and I was cleared to exercise again.
FOUR: The Bump Nest was my savior. I started having problems with my hips while I was sleeping within the first few months of my pregnancy and this pillow was a Godsend. Cradles you, supports you in all the right places, but it does take over your bed. Sorry G!
FIVE: This tummy rub butter has "no nasties" so it is perfect for a pregnant momma-to-be. It is thick and feels great on. It helped so much when I got itchy tummy (which was all of the time). I also did not get any stretch marks. I know that a lot of that is genetic, but if a lotion can help, this one definitely did!
SIX: As I got further along in my pregnancy, I needed additional bump support when I slept at night... just something small wedged under my bump to hold it up, so it didn't feel like baby was going to slide right off the side of me. This wedge pillow from Boppy was ah-mazing. It also doubled as a back support for uncomfortable chairs, and then as an elbow support when I started nursing! Gotta love a multi-tasker!
For any of those preggo mommas out there, hope this list is helpful!


  1. I'm going to have to check out those leggings. Gap has been my go-to place for pants during my pregnancy.
