
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eleven Months Old!

So H is 14 months now, and this is her 11 month update. I know. I have been a blogger slacker for the past 4 months because... craziness. Life has been crazy, work has been crazy, mommahood has been crazy. I have so many post ideas in my head but I always end up being so exhausted they never get transferred from my head to the computer. Thanks for sticking with me!! And now only 3 months overdue...   

Age: 11 months

Stats: Weighs about 19 lb oz and was about 28.5 " tall - although these are not official doctor's visit  measurements, wears size 6-12 months in clothing, size 3 diapers & has 5 teeth (2 bottom middle, 2 top middle and 1 upper left)!

Favorite Foods: Same as 10 months, plus fish! She loved it!

Words: Same as 10 months, plus she is loving to repeat things back to us (does best with 1 syllable words). We can go back and forth saying "uh yeah" for hours!

Favorite Activities: Same as 10 months, plus this girl has become a walking machine. It's all walking, all the time!

Favorite Things: Same as 10 months, plus she is even more into books than before. She loves to sit down and flip through the pages. And she always makes sure the book is right side up!

Least Favorite Things: Same as 10 months, and now we can add diaper changes to the list. Girl does not want to be pinned down!

Signature Moves: Same as 10 months, plus kissy faces! It cracks me up every time! She is a pro walker and has already tried to run and jump (cue momma heart attack).

I tell you every day how ridiculously sweet and cute you are!!