
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

New Momma Nursing Favorites

My number one suggestion, if breastfeeding is your goal, is to take a breastfeeding class and read a good breastfeeding book (I really liked Breastfeeding Made Simple). Being armed with that little bit of knowledge helped me so much when starting out on the breastfeeding journey. Because even with that little bit of knowledge it was a huge learning experience. I remember in the middle of the night in the hospital calling the nurse in because H and I just had no idea what we were doing. I was so afraid to position her because her neck was so fragile. But the two of us soldiered on and figured this thing out... we are now going on 10+ months!

Besides getting some good info, support is so key. Look up lactation consultants in your area. If you took a birthing class, see if they have any recommendations. A local lactation consultant may even offer a breastfeeding class you can take (that's what we did). That way, once you are home and you feel like you need some help, you have someone to call. We used a lactation consultant when I ran into some issues a few months in and their help was vital. They came to the house, they were sweet and understanding, they assessed everything and even gave me extra advice about fussy babies, burping, postpartum counseling, etc. Amazing! And having a husband who supports your breastfeeding goals is also such a blessing. G is great that way.

Now the best part! The products that made the journey so much easier. Below are my new momma nursing favorites.

ONE: If you are going to be pumping/need to sterilize anything, USE THESE! You just pop them in the micro for 90 seconds with a little bit of water and presto. All clean.
TWO: Also if you plan to pump and do some bottles, the Kiinde system is great. You pump straight into the storage bags, heat those same storage bags up and pop them directly into a bottle system. No wasted liquid gold.
THREE: Nursing tanks are still what I wear on a daily basis around the house and at night. Comfy, and makes it oh so easy to nurse.
FOUR: These Therapearl doodads are awesome. If you get a plugged duct, just microwave them and put them in your bra. When you are engorged, put them in the fridge and then wear them around once they are cold. If you pump, heat them up and put them around the pump piece and it helps your milk let down faster and makes your pumping session shorter.
FIVE: This one is my absolute favorite and a must have! During the first week or two of breastfeeding, it's not the most comfortable of experiences, even if your baby has a good latch. This balm will save you from getting cracks and other painful issues. You don't have to use it forever - I went through one tube and then was good. But oh man was it a savior!
SIX: I really like disposable nursing pads, especially at the beginning when leakage is at its peak. These are great and you don't have to think about washing them, you can just toss them. They are also soft and comfortable and absorb a lot.

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