
Friday, May 1, 2015

Five on Friday!

Can't Live Without...
my new HP Stream laptop! I kicked our laptop (insert sobbing emoji here). I ruined it. Something with the display came apart inside and only some of the colors were coming through. I didn't want to tell my husband after I did it either. He is a computer genius and he opened it up and looked inside but alas, nothing to be done. So we needed a new laptop, and cheap, since we weren't budgeting for one right now. I had remembered seeing a commercial for a cute little pink one around Christmas time, so I did a bit of research and found it! And it came! And it is amazing and so, so pretty. G thinks it looks like a candy bar. It runs way better than what we had previously and is less than half the cost. Win, win in my book. It comes in blue and pink and is only $199!

I bought a two piece bathing suit (top//bottom) from J Crew for our Hawaii trip coming up. Bikinis post baby are an interesting concept, to say the least. But this one looks promising as it is a little higher waisted (it's supposed to reach just a tad under the belly button) and doesn't have a hard elastic band around the waist (to pinch that lovely extra skin). It hasn't gotten here yet but I'll let you know how it fits when it does!




I've started decorating our house for H's birthday party (it's about 3 weeks away). Trying to stretch out all of the things that will need to be done so I can hopefully alleviate some of the stress. And since I can really only accomplish about one thing a day lately, I needed to start early! We also hung some poms from the ceiling and H is just loving them. She waves hi to them every time we walk by.


madison ave-hue
I bought a new Essie nail polish at Target the other day. I love all things Essie and like to buy a new one or two each year from their seasonal lines. This one looks perfect for Hawaii and has a bit of shimmer in it.


Our little one is growing up so fast. Today we switched around the seat of her stroller to face out. She was getting bored of our ugly mugs, and she was so excited to be seeing everything! She did look up at me with a cute little smile a few times to make sure I was still there... love that.

I'm linking up for Five on Friday!
And also linking up for Can't Live Without It!


  1. I love that bathing suit! And hurray for a new perspective in the stroller! I bet she loves it :)

  2. I love that bathing suit! I still feel like I have that post baby body, and it's not going anywhere.

    We just switched my little one to facing forward a few weeks ago and he loves it. He looks so much bigger which I am not to sure I like yet. ;)

  3. Love the bathing suit how cute!!!
    Chelsea @

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